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  • Weekly Bulletin

December 15, 2024                         Third Sunday of Advent: Liturgical Color - Purple


We will love God, share the good news of Jesus Christ, and serve others.


T O D A Y   A T   FI R S T   C H U R C H


WELCOME TO FIRST REFORMED CHURCH! Isaiah declares: “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation” (12:3, NRSV). May we be nourished by God’s gift of salvation as we worship.


OUR CHURCH HELPERS TODAY * Greeters-Art Kilburg & Brenda Sheckler. Greeter-Ramp Door-Larry Shipma. Children’s Sermon-Nancy Dykstra. Scripture Reader-None. Sound System-Ken Vanderploeg. Projector-Phil Bielema. Song Leader-Eric & Carol Janvrin. Social Time-None. Food Pantry-Kathy Barsema. Elder Prayer After Worship-Carol Janvrin. Open Church-Phil Bielema. Thank you for your help!


THIS MORNING Jake Ritzema will preach and the kids will receive the $1 World Vision offering. Thank you for filling in for Pastor Chuck.


SOCIAL TIME is held in the library following worship until 11:00 A.M.


10:30 A.M. * Practice for Puppet Show.


T H I S   W E E K   A T   F I  R S T   C H U R C H :



          6:00 P.M. * Deacons Meeting.

          6:30 P.M. * Elder’s Meeting.

          7:00 P.M. * Consistory Meeting.



8:00 A.M. * Fancy Feet Foot Clinic. For an appointment call Deb at 815-213-0324 or Sharon at 815-718-5294.



          8:00 A.M. * Choir Practice.

          9:00 A.M. * Pastor Chuck will preach.

          CHURCH HELPERS * Greeters-Brenda Sheckler & Garry Medema. Greeter-Ramp Door-Mark Krum. Children’s Sermon-Janvrin’s. Scripture Reader-Jan Ottens. Sound System-Art Kilburg. Projector-Emma Ricklefs. Song Leader-Julie Bielema. Social Time-Pastor Chuck & Renee. Food Pantry-Kathy Barsema. Elder Prayer After Worship-Carol Janvrin. Open Church-Phil Bielema.

          10:30 A.M. * Christmas party in the library. There will be food and games. Don’t forget the ugly sweater contest!! Everyone is invited to join us!




HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow to Les Dornbush and Harold Smith. Have a wonderful day!


OUR SYMPATHY is expressed to Pastor Chuck & Renee. Renee’s sister passed away unexpectedly last Sunday. The service was on Friday.


THANK YOU to Mason Krum for providing our bulletin cover today. You did a great job!!



Please keep all the members of our congregation in your prayers.




ADVENT MEMORIALS for missions are due today. You can return them to Karin’s office.


NEWSLETTER ARTICLES are due next Sunday, December 22.


THE GIVING TREE is up and ready to go. Take a tag from the tree, purchase the item, and place it “unwrapped” under the tree. The deadline is December 24.


OUR CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE will be December 24 at 6:00 P.M. The offering will go to the Pregnancy Center in Clinton.


THE INSTALLATION of Elder’s and Deacons will be January 5. Elders are Nancy Dykstra and Eric Janvrin. The deacons are Allen Dykstra and Mark Krum.


IN CASE OF INCLEMENT WEATHER watch the church Facebook page or KWQC-TV6 for cancelations.


THE NURSERY is available for your use if needed.


THE FOOD PANTRY ITEMS for December are Peaches, Fruit Cocktail, Pears, Applesauce or Jell-O. Please help support the pantry by bringing a donation to church.


EMMANUEL’S VOICES OF PRAISE presents “Agnus Dei” a concert of worship for Christmas featuring the most loved songs of Michael W. Smith. Art & Peg Kilburg are part of this choir. The concert times are this Friday, December 20 at 7:00 P.M., this Saturday, December 21 at 3:00 P.M., and next Sunday, December 22 at 7:00 P.M.



510 15th Ave., Fulton, IL 61252

Phone: 815.589.2203